Finally gone through the weekend working and not as tired and I thought I would be. Maybe because we had an easy Saturday night but last night's patient was interesting. Anyways, So I've been seeing this website called EBates on TV and whatnot. I have actually used it a couple of years before and forgot about it. What it is is that you go to that website, it's linked to like over 1200 stores and they get paid to have the stores on their website and advertisement. But because they want to make money and attract more customers (per my theory lol) they want to give certain percentage back to the customers as they shop. And its not just like 1% cash back, its like 5%, 8%, and whatnot. Its pretty awesome. I shopped through Ebates and bought some stuff from ulta and E.L.F and I already have about $3 sitting in my eBates account. (I didn't spend that much money but it was like 5% cash back, pretty awesome).
However, you don't get to have the cash right away, I think what they do is that they will do it quarterly? This may be one inconvenience that people won't like, but I think i'll be ok when at the end of the quarter I'll see a bigger amount of money that I am getting back. Pretty neat.
They also will show you for each store that you click on, what coupons that they currently have and stuff. I really like it if you are a busy person and won't have time to go shopping, or just purely lazy like me. Its an easy way to get some money back and you are shopping like you normally would. yea? :D
CLICK HERE for Ebate's website!! :D i hope y'all enjoy!